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Physical contact and adjacent spaces


Several steps, or 3 spaces


A room, or 5 spaces


A building, or 10 spaces

Very Far

Several buildings, or 20+ spaces



Players can spend their bolsters to increase a related roll. The GM can spend bolsters to make a PC decrease a related roll. Unspent bolsters eventually expire.

Refer to Chapter 2 of the rules for more about increasing/decreasing rolls


Traits that tell you to collaborate are intentionally vague and ambiguous. Work with the GM to create a balanced and thematically appropriate effect. Collaborations should be an ongoing process. For example, you may discover that an effect is too strong or weak after a few sessions, so you and the GM should rebalance the effect


A condition is anything that temporarily affects your capabilities or status.

Refer to Chapter 3 of the rules for more about conditions


Defenses make you more resilient during Challenges. Defenses grant one or more boxes, which function the same as Challenge Number boxes. However, defenses have unique requirements that allow you to mark them only in specific situations


A minion is a creature that serves another creature through a contract.

Refer to Chapter 7 of the rules for more about minions


A shrine is a divine conduit that allows a specific deity or set of deities to affect the mortal world.

Refer to the Faith theme of the rules for more about shrines

Temporary Item Trait

A temporary item trait is any item trait that you did not spend XP to acquire. Temporary item traits come from a variety of source: magic items, potions, spells, etc. They're free and don't affect the XP cost of buying other item traits. You can't upgrade temporary item traits

Temporary Trait

A temporary trait is any that you did not spend XP to acquire. Temporary traits come from a variety of source: magic items, potions, spells, etc. They're free and don't affect the XP cost of buying other traits. You can't upgrade temporary traits


Worldbuilding a collaborative process wherin the players and the GM work together to create something about the game world. One person is in charge of the worldbuilding event, and the other players support that player.

Refer to Chapter 6 of the rules for more about world building


A zone is an area of effect. If a trait affects a zone, collaborate on logically fitting zones that you can create with that trait, and write them into your trait. Example zones:
Blast: An explosion that affects one space and adjacent spaces. Blast attacks can be melee or ranged.
Cone: A 90° cone that extends out to a Close distance. Cone attacks are considered to be melee.
Line: This is a line of spaces that extends out to a Far distance. Line attacks are considered to be ranged.

© 2023-2025




Physical contact and adjacent spaces


Several steps, or 3 spaces


A room, or 5 spaces


A building, or 10 spaces

Very Far

Several buildings, or 20+ spaces



Players can spend their bolsters to increase a related roll. The GM can spend bolsters to make a PC decrease a related roll. Unspent bolsters eventually expire.

Refer to Chapter 2 of the rules for more about increasing/decreasing rolls


Traits that tell you to collaborate are intentionally vague and ambiguous. Work with the GM to create a balanced and thematically appropriate effect. Collaborations should be an ongoing process. For example, you may discover that an effect is too strong or weak after a few sessions, so you and the GM should rebalance the effect


A condition is anything that temporarily affects your capabilities or status.

Refer to Chapter 3 of the rules for more about conditions


Defenses make you more resilient during Challenges. Defenses grant one or more boxes, which function the same as Challenge Number boxes. However, defenses have unique requirements that allow you to mark them only in specific situations


A minion is a creature that serves another creature through a contract.

Refer to Chapter 7 of the rules for more about minions


A shrine is a divine conduit that allows a specific deity or set of deities to affect the mortal world.

Refer to the Faith theme of the rules for more about shrines

Temporary Item Trait

A temporary item trait is any item trait that you did not spend XP to acquire. Temporary item traits come from a variety of source: magic items, potions, spells, etc. They're free and don't affect the XP cost of buying other item traits. You can't upgrade temporary item traits

Temporary Trait

A temporary trait is any that you did not spend XP to acquire. Temporary traits come from a variety of source: magic items, potions, spells, etc. They're free and don't affect the XP cost of buying other traits. You can't upgrade temporary traits


Worldbuilding a collaborative process wherin the players and the GM work together to create something about the game world. One person is in charge of the worldbuilding event, and the other players support that player.

Refer to Chapter 6 of the rules for more about world building


A zone is an area of effect. If a trait affects a zone, collaborate on logically fitting zones that you can create with that trait, and write them into your trait. Example zones:
Blast: An explosion that affects one space and adjacent spaces. Blast attacks can be melee or ranged.
Cone: A 90° cone that extends out to a Close distance. Cone attacks are considered to be melee.
Line: This is a line of spaces that extends out to a Far distance. Line attacks are considered to be ranged.


Tavern Tales Toolkit 0.0.1-alpha-5

Based on the Kickstarter 1.0.1 version of Tavern Tales with minor modifications


  • Metamagic has been renamed Augment and moved from Arcane traits into General traits
Tavern Tales, the Tavern Tales logo, and any other associated artwork were orginally © 2014-2017 by Dabney Bailey, and has since been released under the Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license


Tavern Tales KS 1.0.1 on Fandom Tavern Tales Discord