There is no creature more legendary, more powerful, more feared, more awe-inspiring than the dragon. These engines of destruction carve paths of terror through the land, annihilating whole armies and burning the countryside. Mortals who dare oppose dragons are reduced to cinders, while those with the wisdom to offer dragons tribute can bask in their draconic patron's glory. Spread your wings and set the sky aflame, mighty dragon! Prove to the world that your power is unmatched!
Examples of Dragon characters include: An ancient dragon jealously guards a massive pile of gold deep within his mountain home. After drinking the blood of a dragon, a young adventurer discovers he has gained the ability to drink fire. A line of humans have glimmering green scales and supernatural strength. According to legend, their bloodline was sired by a dragon who took the form of a man. Dragon A Dragon Never Forgets (Dragon | Combat) Effects
After someone wrongs you and gets away with it, write their name on your character sheet. Cross off a name to tell a free Good Tale to get revenge Descriptions
brooding in your lair plotting vicious revenge monologuing hatred burning in your eyes Carnage (Dragon | Combat) Effects
Physical conditions you inflict are much worse than usually. Collaborate on what that means Descriptions
tearing off an arm burning their skin breaking a bone plucking out an eye ripping skin to shreds Dragon's Breath (Dragon | Combat) Effects
Collaborate on how you charge this trait. Spend the charge to attack all combatants, excluding you Descriptions
breathing fire causing an avalanche roaring so loud their ears bleed blasting air with your wings Like Crushing Insects (Dragon | Combat) Effects
Instead of rolling to overcome a risk on your turn, you can gain a free Good Tale to defeat 10 or fewer minions in whatever horrific fashion you please Descriptions
crushing them underfoot ripping out their guts reducing them to ash flinging them away Scales Like Tenfold Shields (Dragon | Combat) Effects
Gain the defense "Scales Like Tenfold Shields ☐". Mark it when you suffer a Bad Tale from a weapon. When you do, that weapon shatters, breaks, or is otherwise rendered temporarily unusable Descriptions
a sword shattering on your hide knocking away a hammer igniting a bow in dragonfire Stoke the Furnace (Dragon | Combat) Effects
You can gather power. When you tell a Good Tale, you can release all of your gathered power to make your Tale more powerful. Collaborate on what that means Descriptions
fire burning in your throat glowing eyes the ground shakes electricity sparks around you Examples
an explosion is bigger break down a wall instead of a door shoot a spell much farther than normal Gem-Encrusted Hide (Dragon | Exploration) Effects
You can destroy a magic item to make it permanently part of you, as if you are now the magic item. When you're slain, the items (or at least the parts necessary to reforge them) can be recovered from your corpse Descriptions
magic coursing through your veins feeding on raw energy storing treasure inside of your body Lair (Dragon | Exploration) Effects
When you sleep in a place that you control, you can designate it as your lair. Gain the defense "Lair ☐☐". Mark it when you suffer a Bad Tale while in your lair. Alternatively, mark a box to increase a roll related to your lair Descriptions
shaping the world in your dreams imposing your will on the terrain attracting wildlife like you Examples
volcano filled with magma pools sub-zero glacier humid jungle fetid swamp maze-like tunnels My Precious (Dragon | Exploration) Effects
You know the exact location of items worth at least 1 treasure that you've touch ed before. Also, the GM must answer honestly whenever you ask how much something is worth Descriptions
feeling the pull of gold in your blood your gold-colored eyes covetously hoarding treasures Smokescreen (Dragon | Exploration) Effects
You can fill all far spaces with thick, obscuring smoke or fog Descriptions
stoking the flames breathing smoke and ash boiling water into steam with your fire breath Pride (Dragon | Interaction) Effects
Gain the defense "Pride ☐". Mark it when you suffer a Bad Tale related to damaged reputation or social status. Then, gain a free Good Tale to improve your reputation or social status Descriptions
looking down at your inferiors your regal bearing building a fearsome reputation Serve or DIE! (Dragon | Interaction) Effects
Whenever you torture or kill one of your minions , your other minions who watched you change the end of their contract to "in exchange for not being tortured or killed" Descriptions
devouring a weak link crushing them like an ant finding their lack of loyalty disturbing Terrifying Glory (Dragon | Interaction) Effects
You can make everyone stop what they're doing and give you their undivided attention, even if for just a few moments Descriptions
bellowing a command doing something terrifying showcasing your incredible grandeur Tribute (Dragon | Interaction) Effects
After you showcase your incredible power, name a person or organization who knows what you did. They freely offer you a tribute Descriptions
warning that they're next if they don't pay you terrifying peasants showcasing your grandeur Examples
a seat of honor at a major event treasure minions land a promise not to enter your territory You Are All Beneath Me (Dragon | Interaction) Effects
Whenever you want, unimportant NPCs instinctively treat you like royalty, showing you incredible respect or terror Descriptions
looking down at them intimidating them with your power threatening their pathetic lives