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Tracking artwork

Some look out into the horizon and see only uncertainty and danger. They turn their backs on the unknown and opt for the safety of a simple life. But not trackers. These courageous trailblazers gaze into the wilderness and see a world filled with adventure, opportunities, and wonder. They have climbed the tallest mountain and looked down upon the world like gods. They have plumbed the deepest caves to unearth secrets never intended to see the light of day. They have crossed the widest oceans to discover unknown lands. Trackers' motives are as diverse as the regions they explore. Some hunt elusive game animals. Some seek the bounty of a wanted criminal. A chosen few are simply in it for the thrill of discovery. So, strap on those well-worn boots and grab your traveling pack! What will you discover as you explore the great unknown?

Examples of Tracking characters include:


Black Arrow

(Tracking | Combat)

  • You don't need to roll to attack with your very last ammo. If the attack is even theoretically possible, you hit with perfect accuracy and incredible power. Collaborate on what incredible power means
  • Descriptions
  • making a desperate shot
  • putting your hope into your last arrow
  • drawing a special ammo
  • Examples
    Incredible Power
  • knock them back
  • knock something out of their hand
  • your projectile pierces through
  • Called Shot

    (Tracking | Combat)

  • You can make an attack to inflict a condition on an arm, leg, or similar appendage
  • Descriptions
  • aiming for a weak spot
  • hitting them where it hurts
  • firing a poisoned arrow
  • striking true
  • Examples
  • arrow to the knee
  • hamstrung
  • shot through the hand
  • broken tail
  • tattered wings
  • Cover

    (Tracking | Combat)

  • When you're behind cover that you've never used with this trait before, gain the defense "Cover ☐". Mark it when you suffer a Bad Take that can be mitigated by that cover. Moving to sufficiently different cover gives you a new defense with an unmarked box
  • Descriptions
  • diving behind a wall
  • ducking under a bush
  • crouching behind a cart
  • hiding in a trench
  • Eagle Eye

    (Tracking | Combat)

  • Collaborate on how the distance of your ranged attacks exceeds normal limitations
  • Descriptions
  • arcing your bow for maximum distance
  • drawing a bead with your rifle
  • aiming carefully
  • Examples
    New Limits
  • a mile
  • anything you can see
  • anything under the open sky
  • several blocks
  • the moon
  • Favored Enemy

    (Tracking | Combat)

  • Collaborate on a type of creature. When you spend a Good Tale to harm a creature of that type, gain a second free Good Tale to harm them
  • Descriptions
  • training to take down your foe
  • fighting with pure anger
  • knowing how to take down that foe
  • Examples
  • dragons
  • wizards
  • beasts
  • citizens of the golden kingdom
  • elves
  • undead
  • vampires
  • aquatic beasts
  • Set Trap

    (Tracking | Combat)

  • You can create a well-hidden trap. It triggers when a creature other than you is close enough to touch it. Collaborate on its effects
  • Descriptions
  • hiding a trap under leaves
  • stringing a tripwire
  • digging a hidden pit
  • placing a bear trap
  • Examples
  • explode
  • trigger a loud alarm
  • spew poison
  • create a pit
  • catch fire
  • ensnare them in a net
  • Volley

    (Tracking | Combat)

  • You can make a ranged attack against 2 creatures
  • Descriptions
  • launching a volley of arrows
  • dual wielding pistols
  • shooting rapid-fire
  • spraying bullets
  • Deduce

    (Tracking | Exploration)

  • When you investigate a scene, the GM must describe what happened as if you were there watching it unfold
  • Descriptions
  • reading their tracks to determine what happened
  • following the trail
  • deciphering the evidence
  • Know the Path

    (Tracking | Exploration)

  • You can name a visible creature as your quarry (max 1). The GM must answer honestly whenever you ask where your quarry is. They stop being your quarry when they die or you touch them
  • Descriptions
  • reading tracks
  • following your instincts
  • using your soul compass
  • tracking their scent
  • Lay of the Land

    (Tracking | Exploration)

  • You can have the GM create a map of the region and show it to you
  • Descriptions
  • examining the landscape
  • scanning from a high vantage point
  • feeling the earth beneath you
  • Reconnaissance

    (Tracking | Exploration)

  • When you extensively observe something, you're bolstered to confront, overcome, or avoid that thing. The longer you observe, the more bolsters you accrue (max 5). You can report your findings to transfer any of these accrued bolsters to others
  • Descriptions
  • following enemy troop movements
  • scouting ahead
  • patrolling the wilderness for your prey
  • Survival Skills

    (Tracking | Exploration)

  • You can survive indefinitely off the land, no matter how harsh the conditions. You can also provide for about a dozen people. When you sleep in the wilderness, trat is as comfortable bed rest with medical attention
  • Descriptions
  • identifying native species
  • living off the land
  • relying on instinct
  • hunting prey
  • foraging for food
  • Trailblazer

    (Tracking | Exploration)

  • Gain the defense "Trailblazer ☐". Mark it when you suffer a Bad Tale while exploring. Also, you have a perfect sense of direction
  • Descriptions
  • venturing forth into the great unknown
  • go where no one has gone before
  • watching your footing
  • Vigil

    (Tracking | Exploration)

  • You're always considered to be watchful and alert, even while asleep. Also, the GM must answer honestly whenever you ask if you're in impending danger
  • Descriptions
  • sleeping with one eye open
  • watching your surroundings
  • listening to your instincts
  • Deputy

    (Tracking | Interaction)

  • Collaborate on how you're a representative of the law and what special privileges and resources this status grants you
  • Descriptions
  • flashing a badge
  • reciting your official title
  • showing a warrant
  • leveraging political connections
  • Examples
    Resources and Privileges
  • you can arrest people
  • local peace keepers help you
  • some laws don't apply to you
  • Detective

    (Tracking | Interaction)

  • Three times each quest, you can have the GM give you a clue about whatever you're currently investigating
  • Descriptions
  • watching their eyes
  • reading their body language
  • noticing discrepancies in their stories
  • Lone Wolf

    (Tracking | Interaction)

  • You can have others generally ignore you as long as you don't draw attention to yourself. Afterward, they forget everything about you, vaguely remembering you as just some person
  • Descriptions
  • pulling up your hooded cloak
  • hanging in the shadows
  • keeping to yourself
  • giving the cold shoulder
  • Perks of the Job

    (Tracking | Interaction)

  • When you accept a quest, explain what extra aid you obtain for free
  • Descriptions
  • asking for an advance
  • attracting aid due to your fame
  • leveraging your contacts
  • getting lucky
  • Examples
  • gain part of the reward upfront
  • learn useful information
  • attract minions
  • acquire special tools
  • Skeptic

    (Tracking | Interaction)

  • The GM must answer honestly whenever you ask if someone is lying
  • Descriptions
  • watching their eyes
  • reading their body language
  • noticing discrepancies in their stories
  • Trophy

    (Tracking | Interaction)

  • You can collect 1 trophy from each dead worthy creature. These trophies are worth 1 treasure for every 10 XP the creature had. If the creature was especially well known, the trophy is worth twice as much
  • Descriptions
  • wearing the trophy around your neck
  • hanging it from your belt
  • mounting it on your wall
  • Examples
  • bloody head
  • your enemy's shattered weapon
  • tooth necklace
  • pelt
  • skull
  • patch of tattooed skin

  • © 2023-2023




    Physical contact and adjacent spaces


    Several steps, or 3 spaces


    A room, or 5 spaces


    A building, or 10 spaces

    Very Far

    Several buildings, or 20+ spaces



    Players can spend their bolsters to increase a related roll. The GM can spend bolsters to make a PC decrease a related roll. Unspent bolsters eventually expire.

    Refer to Chapter 2 of the rules for more about increasing/decreasing rolls


    Traits that tell you to collaborate are intentionally vague and ambiguous. Work with the GM to create a balanced and thematically appropriate effect. Collaborations should be an ongoing process. For example, you may discover that an effect is too strong or weak after a few sessions, so you and the GM should rebalance the effect


    A condition is anything that temporarily affects your capabilities or status.

    Refer to Chapter 3 of the rules for more about conditions


    Defenses make you more resilient during Challenges. Defenses grant one or more boxes, which function the same as Challenge Number boxes. However, defenses have unique requirements that allow you to mark them only in specific situations


    A minion is a creature that serves another creature through a contract.

    Refer to Chapter 7 of the rules for more about minions


    A shrine is a divine conduit that allows a specific deity or set of deities to affect the mortal world.

    Refer to the Faith theme of the rules for more about shrines

    Temporary Item Trait

    A temporary item trait is any item trait that you did not spend XP to acquire. Temporary item traits come from a variety of source: magic items, potions, spells, etc. They're free and don't affect the XP cost of buying other item traits. You can't upgrade temporary item traits

    Temporary Trait

    A temporary trait is any that you did not spend XP to acquire. Temporary traits come from a variety of source: magic items, potions, spells, etc. They're free and don't affect the XP cost of buying other traits. You can't upgrade temporary traits


    Worldbuilding a collaborative process wherin the players and the GM work together to create something about the game world. One person is in charge of the worldbuilding event, and the other players support that player.

    Refer to Chapter 6 of the rules for more about world building


    A zone is an area of effect. If a trait affects a zone, collaborate on logically fitting zones that you can create with that trait, and write them into your trait. Example zones:
    Blast: An explosion that affects one space and adjacent spaces. Blast attacks can be melee or ranged.
    Cone: A 90° cone that extends out to a Close distance. Cone attacks are considered to be melee.
    Line: This is a line of spaces that extends out to a Far distance. Line attacks are considered to be ranged.


    Tavern Tales Toolkit 0.0.1-alpha-5

    Based on the Kickstarter 1.0.1 version of Tavern Tales with minor modifications


    • Metamagic has been renamed Augment and moved from Arcane traits into General traits
    Tavern Tales, the Tavern Tales logo, and any other associated artwork were orginally © 2014-2017 by Dabney Bailey, and has since been released under the Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license


    Tavern Tales KS 1.0.1 on Fandom Tavern Tales Discord