Is there any force in the world more powerful than the primal elements? Earthen mountains reach into the clouds, humbling even the tallest manmade tower. Air creates wind-tossed thunderstorms that steal the warmth from the living. Water is the origin and sustainer of all life, so much so that it flows through our veins. Fire consumes all, bringing complete destruction to anything it touches. Look inside yourself, brave elementalist. Which elements rage within your soul?
Examples of Elements characters include: A frost witch lives in solitude in her ice castle and freezes any who dare approach. Born of the earth itself, a tough explorer delves into the earth's deepest caves for exotic gems. A raging storm gains sentience, coalescing into human form with piercing blue eyes and cloud-white skin. Elements Affinity (Elements | Combat) Effects
Collaborate on a threat you're completely immune to, and another threat that you're especially vulnerable to Descriptions
immunity to flames but weakness to frost immunity to magic but weakness to physical harm Blaze (Elements | Combat) Effects
You can create a damaging zone for several minutes Descriptions
setting the ground ablaze growing razor-sharp ice shards generating a lightning field Cataclysm (Elements | Combat) Effects
You can start a natural disaster. Once started, the disaster is out of your control (but you might be able to influence it) Descriptions
unleashing raw elemental power shattering nature's balance turning your emotions into magic Examples
tornado hurricane earthquake blizzard heat wave dust storm thunder storm gale force winds Frostbite (Elements | Combat) Effects
You can freeze less than 1 space of material in ice Descriptions
locking them in ice freezing their blood covering them in frost surrounding them in earth Immolate (Elements | Combat) Effects
You can give something the condition "On Fire" Descriptions
igniting their clothes setting their soul ablaze surrounding them in blue fire elemental havoc Electrocute (Elements | Combat) Effects
You can paralyze someone for a second or two Descriptions
electricity arcing from person to person throwing a bolt of lightning like a javelin Path of Fire (Elements | Combat) Effects
You can leave behind a trail of harmful elemental fury in all spaces that you vacate. The trait lasts a few minutes Descriptions
leaving fire in your wake creating a deadly static field raising earth spikes creating frost shards Control Weather (Elements | Exploration) Effects
You can change the weather to anything that the region could reasonably experience this time of year. The weather changes in a few minutes or hours (GM's choice) Descriptions
changing the air pressure creating moisture bringing in a cold front shaping the clouds Clutch of Earth (Elements | Exploration) Effects
You can change the effects of gravity in the area Descriptions
changing magnetic fields altering earth's density enhancing the pull of gravity Earth Walk (Elements | Exploration) Effects
You can move through stone, metal, and earth as if they have the consistency of mud. You can breathe normally and sense your surroundings while in these materials Descriptions
changing magnetic fields altering earth's density enhancing the pull of gravity Flight (Elements | Exploration) Effects
You can fly. Collaborate on how this trait works Descriptions
sprouting wings running across the air as if it were solid riding on powerful winds Examples
How it works
you need safe take-off and landing zones it's exhausting you can carry a few others Iron Body (Elements | Exploration) Effects
You weigh up to 20 times more than normal and can't be forcibly moved Descriptions
rocky skin iron-hard bones the gravity of earth pulling you a body made of stone and crystals Shape Element (Elements | Exploration) Effects
Collaborate on an element. You can create 1 space of that element, or manipulate several spaces of that element Descriptions
practicing element-bending extending your hand and commanding the elements to respond Terraform (Elements | Exploration) Effects
You can reshape the landscape. The terrain changes over the course of days or weeks (GM's choice) Descriptions
growing a mountain diverting a river burrowing a cave opening a chasm flooding lowlands Tremors (Elements | Exploration) Effects
You can sense the movements of things touch ing the earth within about 1 hours travel in all directions. Also, you can put you ear to the ground to hear the vibrations of very distant things Descriptions
feeling the earth tremble beneath your feet sensing subtle vibrations hearing the earth rumbling Water Breathing (Elements | Exploration) Effects
You can breathe water and ignore extreme pressures associated with deep water Descriptions
growing gills infusing your body with primal water creating an air bubble around your head Calm the Storm (Elements | Interaction) Effects
You can make others become significantly more passive, calm, and reasonable. This ends if someone acts threateningly toward them Descriptions
quenching the fires that rage in their hearts creating a soothing breeze soothing their inner turmoil Fan the Flames (Elements | Interaction) Effects
You can significantly intensify whatever emotions creatures are currently feeling Descriptions
adding fuel to their passions igniting their souls with elemental energy sparking their desires Port in the Storm (Elements | Interaction) Effects
You can find safe haven that will safely harbor you and your allies for as long as you stay there. The locals will freely offer some sort of aid, or the aid will already be there if the safe haven is unpopulated Descriptions
sensing a safe area feeling the air is calmer over there following a soothing wind following warmth Examples
food and shelter fresh weapons or armor information guides minions medical attention potions Safe Havens hidden cave a house owned by friends politically neutral ground forgotten cabin in the woods Still Air (Elements | Interaction) Effects
You can give something the condition "Silenced" for several hours. Silenced things can't make any noise whatsoever Descriptions
freezing air in place absorbing sound waves with the earth keeping the air perfectly still Words on Wind (Elements | Interaction) Effects
You can name someone and speak a few sentences. They will hear your message after a few moments. Then, they can speak a few sentences; their message returns to you in a similar fashion Descriptions
projecting your voice through the air sending a message to the four winds exhaling an air elemental