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Occultism artwork

Lurking in the shadowy corners of the universe are dark entities far beyond our understanding. They gaze upon mortals with equal parts disgust and hatred, patiently plotting ways to plunge the world into darkness and misery. Wise men turn their backs on these dark entities. But for some adventurers, ambition far outweighs wisdom. Power-hungry cultists and warlocks readily embrace these dark patrons, signing infernal contracts to sacrifice their souls in exchange for unnatural power. You could join them... all you need to do is sign a contract in blood. After all, when it comes to fulfilling one's darkest desires, everyone has a price. What is yours?

Examples of Occultism characters include:


Blood Link

(Occultism | Combat)

  • You can link 2 willing creatures, designating one as the Giver and the other as the Receiver. Any harm the Giver suffers is instead transferred to the Receiver. The link ends when either person wants it to end. If you a link a defeated creature, they don't have to be willing and the link doesn't end when they want it to. Collaborate on what ends it
  • Descriptions
  • stitching their souls together
  • creating a thaumaturgic link
  • altering the strands of destiny
  • Blood Sacrifice

    (Occultism | Combat)

  • You can give yourself a condition and bolster to do anything
  • Descriptions
  • sacrificing your blood to your patron
  • flagellating yourself
  • letting your parasite feed
  • Pound of Flesh

    (Occultism | Combat)

  • You can give someone an exact copy of one of your conditions
  • Descriptions
  • making them pay blood for blood
  • evening the cosmic scale
  • getting bloody revenge
  • causing recoil
  • Terrify

    (Occultism | Combat)

  • You can give someone the condition "Terrified"
  • Descriptions
  • showing them their worst nightmare
  • giving them a glimpse of your patron
  • using dark magic
  • Vessel

    (Occultism | Combat)

  • You can mark a creature you're touching (max 1) as your vessel. You can use your traits through your vessel as if you're standing at their location
  • Descriptions
  • using blood magic to control its muscles
  • treating its soul like a puppet
  • sharing your power
  • Examples
  • a tattoo that glows with hellfire
  • a scar-rune
  • a glowing symbol floating above their forehead
  • Voodoo

    (Occultism | Combat)

  • If you destroy or defile something that is important to someone else, gain a free Good Tale to tell against them
  • Descriptions
  • creating a voodoo doll
  • using thaumaturgy magic
  • corrupting their essence
  • your dark ritual
  • Cast into the Void

    (Occultism | Exploration)

  • You an open a 1-space hole to the void for several minutes. The void is an endless, empty nothing. Anything cast into the void is gone for all eternity
  • Descriptions
  • cutting open a bloody wound in the universe
  • opening a portal creating a swirling black hole
  • Circle of Binding

    (Occultism | Exploration)

  • You can walk in a circle. When you're finished, create a barrier along the circle. Absolutely nothing can cross the barrier except light and sound. Collaborate on what breaks the circle
  • Descriptions
  • drawing runes in chalk
  • lighting candles in a ring
  • creating a magic circle
  • using pact magic
  • Examples
    Breaks the Circle
  • time passes
  • an item touches it
  • you touch the circle
  • a secret word is spoke
  • night falls
  • Conjuration

    (Occultism | Exploration)

  • You can link a creature you're touching with an item you're touching, or to a new item you create. Whoever holds the item can expend the link to instantly summon the linked creature to the item's location
  • Descriptions
  • pulling on a soul-tether
  • opening a portal to the destination
  • conjuring it in a puff of smoke and fire
  • Darkness

    (Occultism | Exploration)

  • You can create a zone of pure darkness for about 1 day. No light can enter the zone
  • Descriptions
  • spreading magic
  • spilling your patron's blood on the earth
  • weakening the barrier between realms
  • Examples
  • hellish
  • web-strewn
  • rotten
  • sacred
  • verdant
  • crawling
  • swampy
  • barren
  • nightmarish
  • Defile

    (Occultism | Exploration)

  • You can give the terrain a descriptor outside of what is natural for that terrain. Collaborate on how the terrain gradually shifts to match your descriptor
  • Descriptions
  • spreading magic
  • spilling your patron's blood on the earth
  • weakening the barrier between realms
  • Examples
  • hellish
  • web-strewn
  • rotten
  • sacred
  • verdant
  • crawling
  • swampy
  • barren
  • nightmarish
  • Portal

    (Occultism | Exploration)

  • You can create a portal (max 5). Anyone who enters one of your portals can emerge at one of your other portals
  • Descriptions
  • creating teleportation stones
  • building waypoints
  • creating a wormhole
  • opening a portal
  • Binding Contract

    (Occultism | Interaction)

  • If you like, contracts and agreements you sign or mediate are magically enforced. They can't be violated by any means (Agreeing to the contract "You can't speak of an event" means you literally lose the ability to speak of it forever). The contract or agreement must mention that the terms are binding
  • Descriptions
  • signing a pact in blood
  • binding their soul to your service
  • write your contract into universal laws
  • Blissful Agony

    (Occultism | Interaction)

  • You can make a creature you're touching experience any physical sensation you want. This doesn't cause physical harm
  • Descriptions
  • bringing them to the brink of ecstasy
  • inflicting terrible agony
  • toying with their skin
  • torture
  • Dark Bargain

    (Occultism | Interaction)

  • Your patrons can perform favors for you, but always at a proportional cost. You have a patron, which is a powerful entity that can grant you power, favors, or knowledge, but always at a cost. Collaborate on your patron
  • Descriptions
  • conjuring them in a summoning circle
  • drawing them forth from the ether
  • hearing their voices
  • Examples
  • sacrifice an innocent in their name
  • start a cult in their honor
  • further their goals
  • offer a part of your soul
  • Patrons
  • demons
  • angels
  • otherworldly horrors from beyond the stars
  • spirits of the land
  • death itself
  • Deal with the Devil

    (Occultism | Interaction)

  • After talking to someone, you can learn the one thing that they want more than anything else. If you provide them with that thing, you gain complete and total control over them; the GM or player hands control of that character over to you
  • Descriptions
  • purchasing their soul
  • making an offer they can't refuse
  • eternally enslaving them to your will
  • Shatter Mind

    (Occultism | Interaction)

  • You can give someone a psychological condition
  • Descriptions
  • ripping their mind apart
  • shattering their fragile psyche
  • giving your patron access to their mind
  • Examples
  • schizophrenia
  • sociopathy
  • a crippling phobia
  • paranoid delusions
  • hallucinations
  • obsessiveness
  • Soul Gem

    (Occultism | Interaction)

  • You can transform the souls of dead, worthy creatures into treasure (the GM decides how much)
  • Descriptions
  • coalescing their soul into a black gem
  • trapping their spirit in a jar
  • trading souls for favors

  • © 2023-2023




    Physical contact and adjacent spaces


    Several steps, or 3 spaces


    A room, or 5 spaces


    A building, or 10 spaces

    Very Far

    Several buildings, or 20+ spaces



    Players can spend their bolsters to increase a related roll. The GM can spend bolsters to make a PC decrease a related roll. Unspent bolsters eventually expire.

    Refer to Chapter 2 of the rules for more about increasing/decreasing rolls


    Traits that tell you to collaborate are intentionally vague and ambiguous. Work with the GM to create a balanced and thematically appropriate effect. Collaborations should be an ongoing process. For example, you may discover that an effect is too strong or weak after a few sessions, so you and the GM should rebalance the effect


    A condition is anything that temporarily affects your capabilities or status.

    Refer to Chapter 3 of the rules for more about conditions


    Defenses make you more resilient during Challenges. Defenses grant one or more boxes, which function the same as Challenge Number boxes. However, defenses have unique requirements that allow you to mark them only in specific situations


    A minion is a creature that serves another creature through a contract.

    Refer to Chapter 7 of the rules for more about minions


    A shrine is a divine conduit that allows a specific deity or set of deities to affect the mortal world.

    Refer to the Faith theme of the rules for more about shrines

    Temporary Item Trait

    A temporary item trait is any item trait that you did not spend XP to acquire. Temporary item traits come from a variety of source: magic items, potions, spells, etc. They're free and don't affect the XP cost of buying other item traits. You can't upgrade temporary item traits

    Temporary Trait

    A temporary trait is any that you did not spend XP to acquire. Temporary traits come from a variety of source: magic items, potions, spells, etc. They're free and don't affect the XP cost of buying other traits. You can't upgrade temporary traits


    Worldbuilding a collaborative process wherin the players and the GM work together to create something about the game world. One person is in charge of the worldbuilding event, and the other players support that player.

    Refer to Chapter 6 of the rules for more about world building


    A zone is an area of effect. If a trait affects a zone, collaborate on logically fitting zones that you can create with that trait, and write them into your trait. Example zones:
    Blast: An explosion that affects one space and adjacent spaces. Blast attacks can be melee or ranged.
    Cone: A 90° cone that extends out to a Close distance. Cone attacks are considered to be melee.
    Line: This is a line of spaces that extends out to a Far distance. Line attacks are considered to be ranged.


    Tavern Tales Toolkit 0.0.1-alpha-5

    Based on the Kickstarter 1.0.1 version of Tavern Tales with minor modifications


    • Metamagic has been renamed Augment and moved from Arcane traits into General traits
    Tavern Tales, the Tavern Tales logo, and any other associated artwork were orginally © 2014-2017 by Dabney Bailey, and has since been released under the Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license


    Tavern Tales KS 1.0.1 on Fandom Tavern Tales Discord