A mind is a terrible thing to waste. This is especially true when you can use your mind to read thoughts, levitate objects, and force choke all who dare oppose you. Such is the power of psions, who turn their energy inward to unlock the infinite potential of their own minds. They sharpen their wit the same way warriors sharpen their blades, transforming their raw intellects into deadly weapons capable of crushing skulls with a simple thought. They fortify their willpower the same way a blacksmith tempers steel armor, building an impenetrable defense that transcends physical limitations. Look inside yourself, psion, and behold the awesome power that lies dormant within you. What fragments of your power will you awaken first?
Examples of Psionics characters include: A quiet maid reads the minds of her royal employers, selling their darkest secrets to the highest bidder. Born small and frail, a young psion learns how to levitate swords and becomes the most feared duelist in the land. A powerful psychic travels from plane to plane hoping to unlock the secret of the universe. Psionics Archon (Psionics | Combat) Effects
Whenever you want, you can become completely invulnerable to all harm for a few seconds. Then, the GM gives you a condition . Archon can't make you immune to conditions you acquire through this trait Descriptions
your skin taking the color of a starry night becoming pure energy showing your true form Confusion (Psionics | Combat) Effects
You can give someone the condition "Confused" for several minutes. Confused creatures have a difficulty distinguishing friend from foe Descriptions
disrupting their natural brain waves filling their minds with nightmarish thoughts Examples
Erratic Behavior
attack an ally move somewhere disadvantageous throw away something valuable Force Wave (Psionics | Combat) Effects
You can push everyone in a zone a close distance away, or one creature a far distance away Descriptions
releasing a shock wave emitting a psi pulse unleashing an explosion of telekinetic energy Lobotomize (Psionics | Combat) Effects
You can attack a creature and describe one of its capabilities. If the creature has any traits associated with that capability, they lose 1 of those traits for several hours Descriptions
suppressing their memories preventing their mind from acting locking their abilities with magic Projection (Psionics | Combat) Effects
You can take actions as if you're standing in any far space Descriptions
animating your weapon projecting a psychic version of yourself bending reality with your will Reverse Trajectory (Psionics | Combat) Effects
Collaborate on how you charge this trait. Spend the charge to send a ranged attack back at the attacker Descriptions
using telekinesis to send back an arrow unleashing psychic recoil absorbing power to shoot it back Astral Projection (Psionics | Exploration) Effects
You can travel to another dimension or plane. You may bring close creatures with you. Collaborate on what other dimensions or planes exist Descriptions
your spirit leaving your body going on a dream-quest stepping into the nonphysical realm Examples
astral plane dreamscape shadow realm a person's subconscious mind heaven hell the afterlife Perfect Mind (Psionics | Exploration) Effects
You have a perfect memory, and you can instantly complete complex mental errors Descriptions
closing your eyes to think for a moment copying something into your brain being a genius Examples
perform a calculation create an elaborate story read a book write a play in your head Pre/Postcognition (Psionics | Exploration) Effects
You can experience the future and/or past. Collaborate on how this trait works Descriptions
receiving a vision gazing through the timestream calculating the sequence of cause and effect Sensory Link (Psionics | Exploration) Effects
You can forge a link with a creature you're touch ing. For the next day or so, you can experience the world through their sense whenever you want Descriptions
your eyes changing to their color seeing and hearing things that aren't present feeling auras Telekinesis (Psionics | Exploration) Effects
You can exert telekinetic force. Collaborate on how this trait works Descriptions
manipulating mass concentrating intently exerting force with your mind changing gravity Examples
How it Works
you can't lift more than your weight precision requires intense concentration it's exhausting Brainwash (Psionics | Interaction) Effects
You can add or remove a memory or personality trait from someone you're touch ing. You can't make them forget how to do things (talk, read, cast spells, etc) Descriptions
devouring a memory deleting a brain wave brainwashing them cutting out part of their mind Mind Control (Psionics | Interaction) Effects
You can control the mind of a visible creature that isn't significantly more powerful than you. Collaborate on how this trait works Descriptions
overpowering their pathetic will enslaving their mind implanting your thoughts and desires Examples
How it Works
they struggle to break free it gives you a crippling headache you can't move while doing it Read Mind (Psionics | Interaction) Effects
You can hear visible creatures' thoughts. Collaborate on how this trait works Descriptions
listening to their thoughts leeching their brain waves seeing their dreams feeling their desires Telepathy (Psionics | Interaction) Effects
You can telepathically communicate with far creatures Descriptions
sharing a collective unconsciousness hearing what each other say speaking via a shared mind-control Share Memory (Psionics | Interaction) Effects
You can share memories with creatures you're touch ing. They gain any of your memories you like, and you gain any of their memories they like Descriptions
accessing their subconscious dreaming their dreams giving them a vision of what you experienced