Some say that you can measure a person by their friends. If that's true, then what can you say of someone who has forged an alliance with the gods themselves? Such is the power of the faithful. These conduits of divine might spread their god's dogma throughout the land, sharing blessings with their brothers and smiting foul heathens with righteous fury. The gods are eager to share their power with devoted followers... but which deity will you champion?
Examples of Faith characters include: The orc shaman of a tribe communes with spirits to determine the best time to march to war. A cleric prays to a pantheon of gods, requesting that they aid him on his mission. A devout paladin leads an inquisition against heathens who would dare defy the will of his god. Faith Blessed (Faith | Combat) Effects
You can give someone (max 1) the defense "Blessed ☐" for several hours. They mark it when they suffer a Bad Tale related to harm Descriptions
praying for diving protection anointing them with sacred oils warding them against evil Blinding Light (Faith | Combat) Effects
You can give someone the condition "Blind" until their vision clears Descriptions
emanating a divine light your glowing weapon a shaft of golden light searing sunlight Crusade (Faith | Combat) Effects
Whenever you fulfill your deity's dogma in a meaningful way, you're bolstered to fight Descriptions
finding strength through faith praying for divine strength cleansing your sins before a fight Lay on Hands (Faith | Combat) Effects
You can touch someone to heal 1 of their physical or spiritual conditions . Then, the GM tells them how long they're immune to your Lay on Hands (the stronger the condition , the longer the immunity) Descriptions
your hands glowing with radiant warmth pouring your deity's energy through your body Martyr (Faith | Combat) Effects
When you're physically harmed, bolster one of your allies to avenge you. When you're physically defeated, bolster all of your allies to avenge you Descriptions
making a sacrifice for the greater good inspiring others through your steadfast faith Shield of Faith (Faith | Combat) Effects
Gain the defense "Shield of Faith ☐". Mark it when you suffer a Bad Tale while furthering your deity's dogma. Then, gain a free Good Tale related to your deity's domains Descriptions
earning your deity's protection standing strong in defense of your faith creating a light shroud Smite (Faith | Combat) Effects
If you attack someone that your deity despises, destroy them outright. If they're more powerful than you, give them a crippling condition instead Descriptions
your sword burning with holy fire your deity filling you with divine wrath casting them into hell Turn (Faith | Combat) Effects
You can repel far creatures that your deity despises. They can't approach you, but you can approach them Descriptions
lifting your holy symbol shining a divine light that burns them asking your deity to protect you Consecrate (Faith | Exploration) Effects
You can turn a worthy feature of the terrain into a permanent shrine to your deity Descriptions
anointing the earth with holy oil a pillar of light illuminating the area blessing the holy ground Examples
Worthy Features
grand church statue of your deity heathen's grave representation of your deity's domain Light (Faith | Exploration) Effects
You can illuminate something in bright light, which lasts for as long as you want. Collaborate on something very general and vague that causes the light to change color or glow more brightly. Also, collaborate on what causes the light to fade Descriptions
your eyes glowing with divine light seeing the world as your deity sees it knowing the one truth Examples
Changing Light
someone's approaching you have strayed from the path there's hidden danger here Fade time the light is exposed to something your deity despises the sun sets the light can be washed off Miracle (Faith | Exploration) Effects
When the GM agrees that you significantly advance your deity's dogma, write on your character sheet that you hold your deity's favor. Cross it off to perform a powerful miracle that falls under your deity's domain Descriptions
praying to your deity for sacred power serving as a conduit for divine wrath doing the impossible Examples
resurrect the fallen receive a vision know the divine truth banish a heathen to another realm Pilgrimage (Faith | Exploration) Effects
When you reach one of your deity's holy sites, you're bolstered three times to do anything Descriptions
using church contacts receiving a vision on the path to sanctuary completing a sacred journey Sanctuary (Faith | Exploration) Effects
When you enter one of your deity's holy sites, name 1 threat. Until you leave, that threat cannot enter the holy site or harm anything in the holy site Descriptions
praying for blessed sanctuary activating holy wards rebuking foul heathens finding inner peace Srcy (Faith | Exploration) Effects
You can view and sense distant areas as if you're standing there. Collaborate on how this trait works Descriptions
receiving a vision see a distant area in a dream look down on the area from the heavens Examples
How it works
you must have been there before the area must embody your deity or one of its domains Atonement (Faith | Interaction) Effects
You can give a defeated creature a quest, which becomes their foremost goal in life. If they complete it, their disposition toward you significantly improves Descriptions
promising redemption showing them the one true path offering mercy and understanding Chosen One (Faith | Interaction) Effects
Fellow worshipers of your deity regard you as the chosen one, a divine representative of your deity. They treat you accordingly and will go out of their way to help you Descriptions
declaring yourself a prophet your divine blood rising to the highest rank in your religion Inquisition (Faith | Interaction) Effects
You can force someone to honestly answer 1 question if they're injured, or all of your questions if they're defeated Descriptions
torturing them intimidating them breaking their spirit turning the screws punching their wood Judgement (Faith | Interaction) Effects
You can sense sin. Collaborate on what that entails Descriptions
seeing a dark stain upon their soul reading your deity's divine ledger feeling profane corruption Pray (Faith | Interaction) Effects
Your deity responds to your prayers (in some form or another). Your deity must reveal their will to you and may also reveal things related to their domains Descriptions
hearing your deity's voice seeing a sign that reveals your deity's will feeling the right choice Proselytize (Faith | Interaction) Effects
You can give someone the immediate urge to fulfill part of your deity's dogma, or convert to your faith (their choice) Descriptions
preaching giving a fiery sermon manipulating their guilt and passion promising divine rewards Rabble Rouser (Faith | Interaction) Effects
You can stir up a crowd to become incredibly passionate, motivated, and extremist about something they care about. Unless stopped, their extremism spreads and grows Descriptions
appealing to their sense of duty giving them a righteous case obligating them through scripture Zealotry (Faith | Interaction) Effects
Add "or fulfilling your deity's dogma" to the end of your minions ' contracts Descriptions
appealing to their sense of duty giving them a righteous cause obligating them through scripture